Tuesday 26 June 2012

Input and Output Devices

Input and Output Devices

Before a computer can process your data, you need some method to input the data into the machine. The device you use will depend on what form this data takes (be it text, sound, artwork, etc.).

Similarly, after the computer has processed your data, you often need to produce output of the results. This output could be a display on the computer screen, hardcopy on printed pages, or even the audio playback of music you composed on the computer.

The terms “input” and “output” are used both as verbs to describe the process of entering or displaying the data, and as nouns referring to the data itself entered into or displayed by the computer.

Below we discuss the variety of peripheral devices used for computer input and output.

Thursday 21 June 2012

What's the best language for game development?

What's the best language for game development?

This is an impossible question to ask because most platforms have specific language requirement! The best language for game development is simply whatever works best on the target platform.

 If you're want to develop iPhone, iPod, iPad games? You're going to want to use Objective-C. That's the language Steve Jobs brought with him from NextStep when he came back to Apple. It's the language for development on all things Apple, so if you want to write Apple apps, you're going to want to learn Objective-C.

 For anything Microsoft, your best bet is going to be C#; the language Microsoft invented that's based on the best of the Java and C programming languages. It's what's used for Xbox, Windows Phone 7, and of course, Windows. Although you can work with other languages on all of these platforms, Microsoft has really gone out of their way to make things easier on you if you use the tools they provide.

 Android devices are easiest to program with Java, as that's the underlying technology. If you're going to do Android game programming, you're gonna need to learn Java. Which is fine, since it's a very popular language and considered one of the better languages to learn when starting out.

 For Windows PC games, C or C++ are undoubtedly the most popular choices. Other languages are possible, but nowhere near as popular.

 For 3D, you're going to need to learn a graphics programming language like Direct3D (for Microsoft platforms) or OpenGL (for all other platforms).

 Game programming is extremely complex, and you're not likely to start completely from scratch. There are so many different tools for every platform, that it'd be a monster task to write about them all. You're going to need level design, graphic design, sound, etc... There's a lot more to game programming than simply choosing a language to learn!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

What is Hardware?

What is Hardware?

Your PC (Personal Computer) is a system, consisting of many components. Some of those components, like Windows XP, and all your other programs, are software. The stuff you can actually see and touch, and would likely break if you threw it out a fifth-story window, is hardware.

 Not everybody has exactly the same hardware. But those of you who have a desktop system, like the example shown in Figure 1, probably have most of the components shown in that same figure. Those of you with notebook computers probably have most of the same components. Only in your case the components are all integrated into a single book-sized portable unit.

Figure 1

The system unit is the actual computer; everything else is called a peripheral device. Your computer's system unit probably has at least one floppy disk drive, and one CD or DVD drive, into which you can insert floppy disks and CDs. There's another disk drive, called the hard disk inside the system unit, as shown in Figure 2. You can't remove that disk, or even see it. But it's there. And everything that's currently "in your computer" is actually stored on that hard disk. (We know this because there is no place else inside the computer where you can store information!).

Figure 2

The floppy drive and CD drive are often referred to as drives with removable media or removable drives for short, because you can remove whatever disk is currently in the drive, and replace it with another. Your computer's hard disk can store as much information as tens of thousands of floppy disks, so don't worry about running out of space on your hard disk any time soon. As a rule, you want to store everything you create or download on your hard disk. Use the floppy disks and CDs to send copies of files through the mail, or to make backup copies of important items.
Random Access Memory (RAM)

There's too much "stuff" on your computer's hard disk to use it all at the same time. During the average session sitting at the computer, you'll probably use only a small amount of all that's available. The stuff you're working with at any given moment is stored in random access memory (often abbreviated RAM, and often called simply "memory"). The advantage using RAM to store whatever you're working on at the moment is that RAM is very fast. Much faster than any disk. For you, "fast" translates to less time waiting and more time being productive.

 So if RAM is so fast, why not put everything in it? Why have a hard disk at all? The answer to that lies in the fact that RAM is volatile. As soon as the computer is shut off, whether intentionally or by an accidental power outage, every thing in RAM disappears, just as quickly as a light bulb goes out when the plug is pulled. So you don't want to rely on RAM to hold everything. A disk, on the other hand, holds its information whether the power is on or off.
The Hard Disk

All of the information that's "in your computer", so to speak, is stored on your computer's hard disk. You never see that actual hard disk because it's sealed inside a special housing and needs to stay that way. Unlike RAM, which is volatile, the hard disk can hold information forever -- with or without electricity. Most modern hard disks have tens of billions of  bytes of storage space on them. Which, in English, means that you can create, save, and download files for months or years without using up all the storage space it provides.

In the unlikely event that you do manage to fill up your hard disk, Windows will start showing a little message on the screen that reads "You are running low on disk space" well in advance of any problems.  In fact, if that message appears, it won't until you're down to about 800 MB of free space. And 800 MB of empty space is equal to about 600 blank floppy disks. That's still plenty of room!
The Mouse

Obviously you know how to use your mouse, since you must have used it to get here. But let's take a look at the facts and buzzwords anyway. Your mouse probably has at least two buttons on it. The button on the left is called the primary mouse button, the button on the right is called the  secondary mouse button or just the right mouse button. I'll just refer to them as the left and right mouse buttons. Many mice have a small wheel between the two mouse buttons, as illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3

The idea is to rest your hand comfortably on the mouse, with your index finger touching (but not pressing on) the left mouse button. Then, as you move the mouse, the mouse pointer (the little arrow on the screen) moves in the same direction. When moving the mouse, try to keep the buttons aimed toward the monitor -- don't "twist" the mouse as that just makes it all the harder to control the position of the mouse pointer.

If you find yourself reaching too far to get the mouse pointer where you want it to be on the screen, just pick up the mouse, move it to where it's comfortable to hold it, and place it back down on the mousepad or desk. The buzzwords that describe how you use the mouse are as follows:

Point: To point to an item means to move the mouse pointer so that it's touching the item.

Click: Point to the item, then tap (press and release) the left mouse button.

Double-click: Point to the item, and tap the left mouse button twice in rapid succession - click-click as fast as you can.

Right-click: Point to the item, then tap the mouse button on the right.

Drag: Point to an item, then hold down the left mouse button as you move the mouse. To drop the item, release the left mouse button.

Right-drag: Point to an item, then hold down the right mouse button as you move the mouse. To drop the item, release the right mouse button.
The Keyboard

Like the mouse, the keyboard is a means of interacting with your computer. You really only need to use the keyboard when you're typing text. Most of the keys on the keyboard are laid out like the keys on a typewriter. But there are some special keys like Esc (Escape), Ctrl (Control), and Alt (Alternate). There are also some keys across the top of the keyboard labeled F1, F2, F3, and so forth. Those are called the function keys, and the exact role they play depends on which program you happen to be using at the moment.

Most keyboards also have a numeric keypad with the keys laid out like the keys on a typical adding machine. If you're accustomed to using an adding machine, you might want to use the numeric keypad, rather than the numbers across the top of the keyboard, to type numbers. It doesn't really matter which keys you use. The numeric keypad is just there as a convenience to people who are accustomed to adding machines.

Figure 4

Most keyboards also contain a set of navigation keys. You can use the navigation keys to move around around through text on the screen. The navigation keys won't move the mouse pointer. Only the mouse moves the mouse pointer.

On smaller keyboards where space is limited, such as on a notebook computer, the navigation keys and numeric keypad might be one in the same. There will be a Num Lock key on the keypad. When the Num Lock key is "on", the numeric keypad keys type numbers. When the Num Lock key is "off", the navigation keys come into play. The Num Lock key acts as a toggle. Which is to say, when you tap it, it switches to the opposite state. For example, if Num Lock is on, tapping that key turns it off. If Num Lock is off, tapping that key turns Num Lock on.
Combination Keystrokes (Shortcut keys)

Those mysterious Ctrl and Alt keys are often used in combination with other keys to perform some task. We often refer to these combination keystrokes as shortcut keys, because they provide an alternative to using the mouse to select menu options in programs. Shortcut keys are always expressed as:


where the idea is to hold down key1, tap key2, then release key1. For example, to press Ctrl+Esc hold down the Ctrl key (usually with your pinkie), tap the Esc key, then release the Ctrl key. To press Alt+F you hold down the Alt key, tap the letter F, then release the Alt key.

Computer Software Definition

Computer Software Definition

Software is a generic term for organized collections of computer data and instructions, often broken into two major categories: system software that provides the basic non-task-specific functions of the computer, and application software which is used by users to accomplish specific tasks.

System software is responsible for controlling, integrating, and managing the individual hardware components of a computer system so that other software and the users of the system see it as a functional unit without having to be concerned with the low-level details such as transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display. Generally, system software consists of an operating system and some fundamental utilities such as disk formatters, file managers, display managers, text editors, user authentication (login) and management tools, and networking and device control software.

Application software, on the other hand, is used to accomplish specific tasks other than just running the computer system. Application software may consist of a single program, such as an image viewer; a small collection of programs (often called a software package) that work closely together to accomplish a task, such as a spreadsheet or text processing system; a larger collection (often called a software suite) of related but independent programs and packages that have a common user interface or shared data format, such as Microsoft Office, which consists of closely integrated word processor, spreadsheet, database, etc.; or a software system, such as a database management system, which is a collection of fundamental programs that may provide some service to a variety of other independent applications.

Software is created with programming languages and related utilities, which may come in several of the above forms: single programs like script interpreters, packages containing a compiler, linker, and other tools; and large suites (often called Integrated Development Environments) that include editors, debuggers, and other tools for multiple languages.

The Best Computer Programming Language for Beginners

The Best Computer Programming Language for Beginners

Interests in computer programming are gaining grounds daily with many people turning into the web to gain an understanding of how best to acquire this much needed skill for software development. There are very many programming languages in the market with a lot of people getting confused on what program to learn, maybe as an introduction, or others will look for being experts immediately. But being a non-computer expert myself, I will recommend a language that has greatly enabled me understand and appreciate the world of computer programming, making other languages easy and interesting.

 When a variety of products are in the market, and the products can be used to gain a skill, there is always a product more suitable for a beginner than another product and in the world of computer programming, I would personally recommend learning PASCAL before proceeding to any other language.

 Though in some people have said that starting to learn programming one would be better of if he/she started with VISUAL BASIC (a language developed by Microsoft from Q-BASIC), I would say that PASCAL is able to give the beginner a friendlier and expert based approached that VISUAL BASIC does not give.

 PASCAL programming lingual as the advantage of being a structured program other than being an object oriented program. Though it requires that the learner understands how to work effectively with variables and come up with the functions he/she will need in his/her program, the language is an easy one to understand and follow stepwise. It makes it easier to acquire the needed programming skills that will enable the beginner develop into being a computer programmer faster. After learning PASCAL, the beginner will find it easier to learn other professional based languages such as C++, and JAVA.

 VISUAL BASIC is recommended for a beginner because most of the functions and procedures in other structured programs such as PASCAL have been done for the user. For example, instead of coming up with the user interface for click command, the VISUAL BASIC has, in a three dimension format, come up with a drag and drop command which one only need to put on the active form. The command will therefore be just told on what to do when clicked (for example open a file). But in PASCAL, the user has to put the command by personal design using built in units in the PASCAL, and locate the command at the desired place on screen (monitor) where the user can click on. Since PASCAL is more demanding on this as other programs such as C++, and due to its simplicity in language and variable understanding, it is recommended to begin with it for VISUAL BASIC will have done a lot of things for you, leaving you somehow illiterate on how you program actually works!

 Another basic advantage PASCAL has over VISUAL BASIC especially for the beginner is its available help. VISUAL BASIC that comes with the VISIUAL STUDIO software is rather big, taking a lot of space, and to access the help you need to have MSDN installed in your computer. Though PASCAL is small in size (does not occupy a lot of disk space and memory when running), it comes with the help and user guide always available in the compiler. So, if you want to begin learning a computer programming language using your personal computer at home, I would advice that you start by learning PASCAL, then you learn C++, then you can master JAVA among other complex programming languages.

Monday 18 June 2012

What is SEO?

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is not Website Design, but programmatic enhancements to your website by an SEO Consultant. It is a necessary element of any successful website. There are On Page factors that need to be optimized as well as Off Page factors. On Page refers to all website pages. Off Page refers to external factors influencing your website.

Without Search Engine Optimization, there is no way that internet users or customers can find your website, unless you advertise offline using radio, tv or print media. But even with offline advertising, you are hitting a broad audience not specifically targeted to your products or services, besides which, not all of them use the internet or are even looking for your services.

The most effective way to get long lasting success is to ensure your website appears on the first page of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) for specific keywords and phrases that you want to appear for. This is how you endsure that a Targeted Internet User finds your website and becomes a potential custormer or user of your service.

You don’t get a more qualified targeted visitor than that. You will be surprised how many people look for your Products or Services every day, call us, and we will let you know.

Why do you need SEO?

·         Optimize your website pages to ensure compliance with major search engines, especially Google
·         Be correctly indexed by the major search engines
·         Prevent your site from being banned by Google
·         Rank on the major search engines for your targeted keywords
·         Rank higher on search engines than your competition
·         Build natural traffic and visitors to your website, exposing your website to millions of searchers
·         Get your website on the first page of Google for your key phrase
·         Ensure the survival of your business for the next 5 years

Benefits of SEO

·         Rank Higher in Search Engines
·         Get Targeted Visitors to your Website
·         Beat Your Competition
·         Make More Money
·         Grow Your Business Nationally or Globally

Sunday 17 June 2012

Computer Basics

Computer Basics


The CPU (stands for Central Processing Unit) is the brains behind your computer. The CPU is responsible for performing calculations and tasks that make programs work. The faster the CPU, the quicker programs can process computations.


A fast CPU is useless without an adequate amount of RAM (stands for Random Access Memory). RAM is usually referred to as a computer's "memory" -- meaning that it stores information that is used by running programs and applications. More memory lets you run more applications at the same time without degrading your system's performance.

Hard Disk Drive

The hard disk drive ( HDD) of the computer is where permanent information is stored. Documents, databases, spreadsheets, and programs are all stored on the hard disk. The larger the hard disk, the more you can fit on the drive. The size of the HDD does not affect the speed at which a program can run, but the HDD speed can affect how fast you can access your files.

Optical Drives (CD,CD-R,CD-RW,DVD,DVD-R,DVD-RW)

Optical drives are more commonly known as CD and DVD drives. They are considered "optical" because the drive uses a laser to see the data etched onto the plastic disk. All computers now come with some form of CD drive. CD-R and CD-RW drives are becoming a new standard in portable data storage. The "R" in CD-R stands for "recordable." This type allows you to "burn" information to the CD only once. The "RW" in CD-RW stands for "rewritable." These can be rewritten several times over, allowing you to delete and add files.

Most software you buy comes on a CD-ROM, and you'll use your CD or DVD drive to read it and copy the software onto your computer.

Floppy Drive

While floppy drives can come in handy for transfering small files from one computer to another, it isn't generally a big concern if your computer has on or not. The Internet makes it quite easy to transfer files via e-mail or some form of online storage. Quite a few computer sellers now don't even bother including a floppy drive. But because they don't really add to the overall cost of a computer, it doesn't hurt to purchase one with a floppy drive. Zip drives are a form of floppy disk that can hold hundreds of megabytes of memory, but their popularity has declined with the cheaper and higher capacity CD-RW disks mentioned above.

As opposed to the hard disk drive, the standard floppy drive reads removable diskettes. Most computers come standard with a 3.5' floppy drive, but internal Zip drives and SuperDisk drives are becoming more and more commonplace. While the Internet is replacing them (much to many users' chagrin, Apple's iMac comes without a floppy drive), floppy drives are still a nice way to share a file quickly with the person next door or to backup data.

Video Card

The video card is a board that plugs into the PC motherboard to give it display capabilities. New video cards come with their own RAM and processor to help speed up the graphics display. Many computers come with video chips built-in, making it uncessary to buy a separate video card, unless the computer is going to be used to do higher-end multimedia work or play video games.

Sound Card

Like video cards, sound cards are expansion boards used for enabling a computer to manipulate sound. Most sound cards give you the power to plug in speakers and a microphone. Some even give you the jacks for hooking your computer up to a common stereo. As with video cards, many computers come with sound chips, making it unnecessary to buy a separate card, unless you need higher sound quality for your work.

For Specific Recommendations

The specs on what makes a computer a power computer, a graphics workstation, or a basic bare-bones system change constantly, as newer and faster chips and systems are developed (and as more powerful software is developed that needs more powerful hardware to run).

PC Troubleshooting Tips Why is My PC Crashing?

PC Troubleshooting Tips Why is My PC Crashing?

Nothing can put a damper on productivity quite like a computer that crashes on a regular basis. Sometimes, a crash is preceded by the dreaded “blue screen of death” or another warning; other times, a computer simply shuts off without any warning at all. In either case, the end result is a whole lot of frustration, aggravation and lost work. If your computer has been crashing frequently, you’d probably like to put an end to it. Unfortunately, getting to the bottom of things if often easier said than done. The following tips about improving your computer’s performance, though, are excellent places to begin.

Possibility #1: Corrupted System Registry Files

Every Windows-based PC has something called a Windows registry. The registry contains several files that are integral to the performance and operation of your computer. Over time, some of those files can become corrupted, be misplaced or get lost altogether. When that happens, the system registry becomes compromised – and frequent crashes are all-too-common symptoms. The best way to rule this possibility in or out is by running a Windows registry cleaning program. Such programs scan your Windows registry for problems then automatically make repairs. If you run a registry cleaner and the crashes persist, they are probably being caused by a different issue.

Possibility #2: Disorganized Files

Windows operating systems handle file organization in a way that isn’t very intuitive. Basically, they break files up and fit them into gaps in the computer’s memory. As time goes by, these disorganized files can prompt frequent crashes. Luckily, a great optimization solution is built right into Windows-based PCs: the disk defragmentation utility. Although its location on a computer varies, you can generally locate it within the System and Security section inside the Control Panel. By running a defrag once every few months, you may be able to keep those pesky computer crashes at bay.

Possibility #3: Malicious Software

Malicious software can take many different forms. Sometimes, it’s a virus that is accidentally unleashed after opening a strange email; other times, its adware that tags along with other information that is automatically downloaded from a website. Whatever type it is, there’s no question that malicious software can wreak havoc on a computer’s performance. Happily, there are many topnotch programs out there that regularly scan your computer for the presence of such problems – and that help guard against them, too. Buy one, install it and use it regularly; your crash issues may come to an end.

Possibility #4: Too Little Available Memory

When you buy a new computer, it feels like there’s no end to the amount of memory that it has. Of course, this isn’t true at all. As never-ending as the available memory on your PC may initially seem, the fact is that it can be depleted with incredible speed. You can find out for sure by checking the information within “My Computer.” If it appears that your available memory is low, you can use a PC cleanup program to remove unnecessary files; such programs remove things like temporary Internet files and other file debris that can suck away much-needed memory.

Possibility #5: Overheating

If you’ve run through all of the preceding possibilities and continue experiencing frequent crashes, a hardware issue could be to blame. An easy one to rule out is overheating. A computer’s CPU, or central processing unit, includes a fan that is designed to keep it running cool. Sometimes, the fan wears down and doesn’t work as efficiently; other times, it’s just not able to handle the work that your computer has to do. In either case, buying a bigger, better fan isn’t very expensive. If it puts an end to your PC crashing problem, it will have been more than worth it.

Don’t Put Up with Frequent Crashes!

As discussed, frequent computer crashes can be triggered by a wide variety of issues. Luckily, many of these issues are relatively easy to remedy. Work your way through the preceding list; chances are, you’ll be able to pinpoint the problem and put an effective cure to work. Nine times out of ten, a computer simply needs a little bit of routine maintenance to get it back on track again. In the future, keep these points in mind. Any time you buy a new computer, keep up with its basic maintenance right from the get-go. By doing that, you could avoid “blue screen of death” and crashing problems altogether – and that’s something that you’re bound to appreciate!

10 Programming Languages You Should Learn Right Now

10 Programming Languages You Should Learn Right Now

Among thousands, 10 programming languages stand out for their job marketability and wide use. If you're looking to boost your career or learn something new, start here.

Knowing a handful of programming languages is seen by many as a harbor in a job market storm, solid skills that will be marketable as long as the languages are.

Yet, there is beauty in numbers. While there may be developers who have had riches heaped on them by knowing the right programming language at the right time in the right place, most longtime coders will tell you that periodically learning a new language is an essential part of being a good and successful Web developer.

"One of my mentors once told me that a programming language is just a programming language. It doesnt matter if youre a good programmer, its the syntax that matters," Tim Huckaby, CEO of San Diego-based software engineering company CEO Interknowlogy.com, told eWEEK.

However, Huckaby said that while his company is "swimming" in work, hes having a nearly impossible time finding recruits, even on the entry level, that know specific programming languages.

"Were hiring like crazy, but were not having an easy time. Were just looking for attitude and aptitude, kids right out of school that know .Net, or even Java, because with that we can train them on .Net," said Huckaby.

"Dont get fixated on one or two languages. When I started in 1969, FORTRAN, COBOL and S/360 Assembler were the big tickets. Today, Java, C and Visual Basic are. In 10 years time, some new set of languages will be the in thing. …At last count, I knew/have learned over 24 different languages in over 30 years," Wayne Duqaine, director of Software Development at Grandview Systems, of Sebastopol, Calif., told eWEEK.

By picking the brains of Web developers and IT recruiters, eWEEK selected 10 programming languages that are a bonus for developers to add to their resumes. Even better, theyre great jumping-off points, with loads of job opportunities for younger recruits.

1. PHP
What it is: An open-source, interpretive, server-side, cross-platform, HTML scripting language, especially well-suited for Web development as it can be embedded into HTML pages.
Why you should learn it: Its particularly widely used. "High-speed scripting with caching, augmented with compiled code plug-ins (such as can be done with Perl and PHP) is where the future is. Building Web apps from scratch using C or COBOL is going the way of the dinosaur," said Duquaine.
Job availabilities: 1,152*

2. C#
What it is: A general-purpose, compiled, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as part of its .NET initiative, it evolved from C and C++
Why you should learn it: Its an essential part of the .Net framework. "Learning C#, which is just Java with a different name plate, is critical if you heavily use Microsoft," said Duquaine.
Job availabilities: 5,111

3. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
What it is: Though technically not a programming language, AJAX uses XHTML or HTML, JavaScript and XML to create interactive Web applications.
Why you should learn it: Ever since Google Maps put AJAX, well, on the map, the requests for AJAX-knowledgeable pros went through the roof. "The demand for AJAX knowledge is huge because its so damned hard to learn," said Huckaby. Of note, Microsoft announced recently plans to release a tool named Atlas that will make AJAX easier to implement. "If Microsofts Atlas tool is successful, it would bring the extreme complexity and annoyance of AJAX to the average worker," said Huckaby.
Job availabilities : 1,106

4. JavaScript
What it is: Not to be confused with Java, JavaScript is a an object-oriented, scripting programming language that runs in the Web browser on the client side. Its smaller than Java, with a simplified set of commands, easier to code and doesnt have to be compiled.
Why you should learn it: Embedded into HTML, its used in millions of Web pages to validate forms, create cookies, detect browsers and improve the design. With its simplicity to learn as well as wide use, its considered a great bang for your educational buck.
Job availabilities: 4,406

5. Perl
What it is: Perl is an open-source, cross-platform, server-side interpretive programming language used extensively to process text through CGI programs.
Why you should learn it: Perls power in processing of piles of text has made it very popular and widely used to write Web server programs for a range of tasks. "Learning some form of scripting language, such as Perl or PHP is critical if you are doing Web apps," said Duquaine.
Job availabilities: 4,810

6. C
What it is: A standardized, general-purpose programming language, its one of the most pervasive languages and the basis for several others (such as C++).
Why you should learn it: "Learning C is crucial. Once you learn C, making the jump to Java or C# is fairly easy, because a lot of the syntax is common. Also, a lot of C syntax is used in scripting languages," said Duquaine.
Job availabilities: 6,164, including all derivatives

7. Ruby and Ruby on Rails
What they are: Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented, open-source programming language; Ruby on Rails is an open-source Web application framework written in Ruby that closely follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
Why you should learn it: With a focus on simplicity, productivity and letting the computers do the work, in a few years, its usage has spread quickly. As a bonus, many find it easy to learn.
Job availabilities : 210 and 54, respectively

8. Java
What it is: An object-oriented programming language developed by James Gosling and colleagues at Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s.
Why you should learn it: Hailed by many developers as a "beautiful" language, it is central to the non-.Net programming experience. "Learning Java is critical if you are non-Microsoft," said Duquaine.
Job availabilities: 14,408

9. Python
What it is: An interpreted, dynamically object-oriented, open-source programming language that utilizes automatic memory management.
Why you should learn it: Designed to be a highly readable, minimalist language, many say it has a sense of humor (spam and eggs, rather than foo and bar), Python is used extensively by Google as well as in academia because of its syntactic simplicity.
Job availabilities: 811

10. VB.Net (Visual Basic .Net)
What it is: An object-oriented language implemented on Microsofts .Net framework.
Why you should learn it: Most argue that VB.Net is currently more popular than ever and one of the only "must-learns." "It is currently dominating in adoption and that is where all the work is," said Huckaby.
Job availabilities: 2,090

What is computer programming?

What is computer programming?

 Writing computer programs means writing instructions, that will make the computer follow and run a program based on those instructions. To explain how programming works, I will give a brief history. The basic instructions are composed of a sequence of ons and offs, that the computer follows as it runs them through the processor, turning switches on and off. The ons are coded (meaning written in programming) with an 1, and the offs with a 0. Numbers and letters are also represented by this; 0000=0, 0001=1, 0010=2, 0011=3, etc. In the beginning, programs looked like "1010100100101111010101010101". Someone realized that since the purpose of writing programs is in order to make life easier, why don't we write a program that will take a kind of code that is easier to create, and the program will translate it into computer code (1s and 0s). So, assembly language was created, where the code then looked like "add $5, $7, $8 #comment", which although not completely readable, it was a lot better than "010101". The program that converted the assembly language into computer code was called the assembler. Then someone decided, why don't we make a program that will translate English-like words into assembly language, so we can write code in English. Thus modern "third generation" code was created. Now the programmer can write code like "x = 5 + 8;" or "String stupid = "You are not smart;". (The first piece means that x will equal 5 + 8, and the second means that whenever the program writes stupid it means the words in the quotes. However, that is not important now, the important thing to realize is that programming is more "Englished" and understandable than before".) Now, a compiler will translate the new code into assembly language, to which an assembler will translate into computer language, that the computer will execute into a series of ons and offs. This new way enabled writing more complex code, as it was now more readable and easy to program. Java is one of the newer languages that uses this third generation code writing technic.

 In short, writing code means writing a bunch of instructions. Each instruction is relatively simple, yet because of the computer's speed, it is able to run millions of instructions in a second. In order for a complex 3d game, like for example Diablo, millions of little code lines are being executed per second, as each code line only does very little. Your job as a programmer is to be able to not focus only on what the end product looks like, but on how each little piece runs, and then being able to write all of the little lines of code that enable the whole program to run. When you learn how to program you learn how to break up the objective into different chunks, and work only on that chunk at a time. This is in order to focus on what you need to do right now, and that which you don't need to know is pushed off to be done at a different time. For example, when you are writing code for a game, when you are focusing on the good guy fighting, you ignore the rest of the game, and only focus on getting the guy to swing the sword, etc. When you are writing the code on how the good guy finds and picks up treasure, you write only the code for that, ignoring, the code on how he fights. Then, you take a step back and put the pieces together. Although this seems hard, it is one of the basic aspects that you are taught when you write programs, and you become extremely used to it. This is known as abstraction.

 One writes code with a specific terminology for the language that he is programming in. The different terminologies can be grouped into the few categories of keywords, variables, operations and predefined classes (in Java). (This is an oversimplification, as I am trying to make this easy to be understood for beginners). Keywords are the words that have a specific meaning to the compiler. For example, "if" tells the compiler that "if the condition is true then run the next piece of code". Operations are symbols that give specific meaning. For example, the operation of "+" can be used to add two numbers together. The operation of "=" means that the operand (the thing using the operation) on the left "gets" what is on the right. Variables are the values that you give to a word that you make up. For example, in Java the keyword "int" means a number. If you write "int sum = 8 + 7;" you are telling the compiler, I want a variable called sum to get the value of 8 and 7 added together. From now on until you change it, whenever you write "sum" in the program, the compiler reads it as "15". For example if you were to write "if (sum==15)" means if that variable called sum equals 15 (which for now it has not been changed) then run the next piece of code.  Also, in Java you have already made classes that will do a huge amount for you. All you have to do is bring them into your code, and it will save you a huge amount of programming.

What is Computer Network?

What is Computer Network?


Two or more computers connected together through a communication media form a computer network.
 The computers are connected in a network to exchange information and data. The computers connected in a network can also use resources of other computers.

 Computer Network Components

There are different components of a network. Following are the basic components of network.

1. Server:

Powerful computers that provides services to the other computers on the network.

2. Client:

Computer that uses the services that a server provides. The client is less powerful than server.

3. Media:

A physical connection between the devices on a network.

4. Network Adopter:

Network adopter or network interface card (NIC) is a circuit board with the components necessary for sending and receiving data. It is plugged into one of the available slots on the Pc and transmission cable is attached to the connector on the NIC.

5. Resources:

Any thing available to a client on the network is considered a resource .Printers, data, fax devices and other network devices and information are resources.

6. User:

Any person that uses a client to access resources on the network.

8. Protocols:

 These are written rules used for communications. They are the languages that computers use to talk to each other on a network

Top 10 Ways To Save Your Computer From Hackers

           Top 10 Ways To Save Your Computer From Hackers

01: Software Updates
For the protection of your computer from hackers you should get the best and latest version of application which is impossible for the hackers to find it, another thing is also take place that your web browser and other programs are given best upgrades.

02: Window Updates
Another way to protect and save your computer from hackers is that you should keep your operating system up to dates in for minimizing the risk of virus which is very necessary for your computer.

03: Anti-Virus Software
Another way to protect your computer from hackers is that you should install best quality Anti-virus software, because with out antivirus software your computer is in the list of  hackers and it is dangerous for your computer. So for protection of your computer you must do for the best.
04: Anti-Spyware Software
Anti-spyware software is one of the best ways to protect your computer from hackers, Thanks to anti-spyware luminaries like Ad-Aware, the previously crippling spyware infection had dwindled down whole of year.

05: Switch to Macintosh
Another best way for protect your computer from hackers is with the help of Macintosh operating system which is very secure for your computer because this fact only came about because smaller quantity hackers bother to attack this platform in the first place.
06: Hacker-controlled Websites
Another way to avoid your computer from the hackers is that you should avoid for getting snared by doubtful sites committed to porn, free downloads, online games, and so on; this way, there are not as much of chances for you to be hacked.
07: Spam Email
Another one of the best way to protect your computer from hacker is that you should avoid to open those websites which are doubtful if the massage is doubtful than delete the message which is useful for your computer.

08: Firewall
Another thing which is very important for your computer avoid to be hacked is to install the firewall if you have not install it than I will recommend to install it. Because there are goods that even filter both incoming and out going data streams.

09: Data Backup
Another thing which is very helpful for your computer to avoid from hacker is that if any data which is in your computer as well as related to computer, you should take backup of this data which is very important to save your data from crashes on internet.
10: Password Polices

Another very important thing which is very helpful to protect your computer from hackers is that your password polices should be of high standard using combinations of letters and numbers, and making sure that your password is as secret as potential without necessarily making it too difficult for you to remember it.

What is hacking

What is hacking
Hacking is unauthorized use of computer and network resources. (The term "hacker" originally meant a very gifted programmer. In recent years though, with easier access to multiple systems, it now has negative implications.)

 Hacking is a felony in the United States and most other countries. When it is done by request and under a contract between an ethical hacker and an organization, it's OK. The key difference is that the ethical hacker has authorization to probe the target.

 We work with IBM Consulting and its customers to design and execute thorough evaluations of their computer and network security. Depending on the evaluation they request (ranging from Web server probes to all-out attacks), we gather as much information as we can about the target from publicly available sources. As we learn more about the target, its subsidiaries and network connectivity, we begin to probe for weaknesses.

 Examples of weaknesses include poor configuration of Web servers, old or unpatched software, disabled security controls, and poorly chosen or default passwords. As we find and exploit vulnerabilities, we document if and how we gained access, as well as if anyone at the organization noticed. (In nearly all the cases, the Information Syhstems department is not informed of these planned attacks.) Then we work with the customer to address the issues we've discovered.

 The number of really gifted hackers in the world is very small, but there are lots of wannabes.... When we do an ethical hack, we could be holding the keys to that company once we gain access. It's too great a risk for our customers to be put in a compromising position. With access to so many systems and so much information, the temptation for a former hacker could be too great -- like a kid in an unattended candy store.

General keyboard shortcuts

General keyboard shortcuts

CTRL+C (Copy)

CTRL+X (Cut)

CTRL+V (Paste)

CTRL+Z (Undo)

DELETE (Delete)

SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)

CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)

CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)

F2 key (Rename the selected item)

CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word)

CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word)

CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)

CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph)

CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Highlight a block of text)

SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text
in a document) 

CTRL+A (Select all)

F3 key (Search for a file or a folder)

ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the selected item)

ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the active program)

ALT+ENTER (Display the properties of the selected object)

ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for the active window)

CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open

ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items)

ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened)

F6 key (Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop)

F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer)

SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)

ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the System menu for the active window)

CTRL+ESC (Display the Start menu)

ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name (Display the corresponding menu)
Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu (Perform the corresponding command)

F10 key (Activate the menu bar in the active program)

RIGHT ARROW (Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu)

LEFT ARROW (Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu)

F5 key (Update the active window)

BACKSPACE (View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer)

ESC (Cancel the current task)

SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing)

CTRL+SHIFT+ESC (Open Task Manage

The Best New (OS) Operating System

Windows 8 is The Best Operating System at This Time. Windows 8 is an upcoming version of Microsoft Windows, a series of operating systems produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablet PCs, and media center PCs. According to unofficial sources, the release date for Windows 8 has been set for October 2012, three years after the release of its predecessor, Windows 7. Windows 8's server counterpart, Windows Server 2012, is in development concurrently with Windows 8. The most recent official pre-release version of Windows 8 is the Consumer Preview, which was released on February 29, 2012. An almost-complete Release Preview is scheduled for the first week of June 2012.

How To Protect Your Computer

Below are some key steps to protecting your computer from intrusion:

Keep Your Firewall Turned On: A firewall helps protect your computer from hackers who might try to gain access to crash it, delete information, or even steal passwords or other sensitive information. Software firewalls are widely recommended for single computers. The software is prepackaged on some operating systems or can be purchased for individual computers. For multiple networked computers, hardware routers typically provide firewall protection.

Install or Update Your Antivirus Software: Antivirus software is designed to prevent malicious software programs from embedding on your computer. If it detects malicious code, like a virus or a worm, it works to disarm or remove it. Viruses can infect computers without users' knowledge. Most types of antivirus software can be set up to update automatically.

Install or Update Your Anti spyware Technology: Spyware is just what it sounds like—software that is surreptitiously installed on your computer to let others peer into your activities on the computer. Some spyware collects information about you without your consent or produces unwanted pop-up ads on your web browser. Some operating systems offer free spyware protection, and inexpensive software is readily available for download on the Internet or at your local computer store. Be wary of ads on the Internet offering downloadable antispyware—in some cases these products may be fake and may actually contain spyware or other malicious code. It's like buying groceries—shop where you trust.

Keep Your Operating System Up to Date: Computer operating systems are periodically updated to stay in tune with technology requirements and to fix security holes. Be sure to install the updates to ensure your computer has the latest protection.

Be Careful What You Download: Carelessly downloading e-mail attachments can circumvent even the most vigilant anti-virus software. Never open an e-mail attachment from someone you don't know, and be wary of forwarded attachments from people you do know. They may have unwittingly advanced malicious code.

Turn Off Your Computer: With the growth of high-speed Internet connections, many opt to leave theircomputers on and ready for action. The downside is that being "always on" renders computers more susceptible. Beyond firewall protection, which is designed to fend off unwanted attacks, turning thecomputer off effectively severs an attacker's connection—be it spyware or a botnet that employs yourcomputer's resources to reach out to other unwitting users